Whenever I meet people from around the world and find out that I’m from Mexico conversation around the country is in: have visited the Riviera Maya, have visited only Mexico City, or have not visited Mexico. Regardless of this possibility, my comment is always: And have you thought about or have you traveled in the Chepe??
Few people around the world know of the existence of this train ride, and those who know, have not done so. For this reason, here’s a quick guide for you if you have not done so you can organize it without a problem. Up to the moment is one of my travel favorites inside and outside of the country.
What is The Chepe?
It is the only passenger train in Mexico, from Chihuahua to Los Mochis. Crosses the whole of the sierra Tarahumara , and va making stops at different points; at each stop you can get to know the area. The landscape changed radically, passing from the mountains to the desert; they leave you speechless and make you not want to pry yourself away from the window even for a moment.
How long is the journey?
This is perhaps the part that needs a bit of planning. There are 2 categories of train, First and Economic. The difference in question of facilities is minimal, however the train First departs daily in both directions while the Economic only a few days a week.
Depending on the stops you want to do is the time you will take to make the trip. If you take the train First-you have the right to get off 3 times during the journey but you need to select the descents with anticipation. In Economic only you get in and pay the proportional part of the journey, but remember that this train does not happen every day.
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If you have limited time then select the train First and choose the stops you want to make. You can enjoy the attractions at most of the stops in just a day, however, if you have more time available I would suggest without a doubt that you spend more than a day at any of the stops.
What stops are recommended?
Creel, Divisadero and Bahuichivo. These three stops are the that have adequate infrastructure and have more tourist attractions; an additional option is the Fort that allows you to see a little bit of colonial architecture, in addition to taking a boat ride on the river.
And, how safe is it?
Yes, I can say that it is completely safe. During my trip, was traveling alone, and at the time of the meal, I had a fun conversation with the security staff of the El Chepe train, which travels on board. Wondering if they had ever had an incident or if they knew of something that would have happened to any traveler replied no.
The same question I asked the owners of the hotel that I stay in Cerocahui (Stop Bahuichivo), this village is in the heart of the sierra and asked if they had had problems, the response was the same, no.
Read also: 3 Places of Fantasy in Hidalgo.
- You try to take the El Chepe train to El Fuerte, the best views of the sierra happen in the stretch of Bahuichivo-Temoris.
- If you want to save a bit of money you can take the bus to Creel and from there the train.
- At stops in Divisadero and Creel, you can get off at Creel and stay there for a couple of days. Take the bus to go see Divisadero and return the same day to Creel.
- At the stop in Bahuichivo you have 2 options. Go to Cerocahui or to Urique, both are unique and very beautiful. If you have time I recommend that you go to Urique, the ride to the bottom of the canyon is amazing; stay one or two days here to enjoy the good weather. If you have little time then go to Cerocahui and take a tour to see the canyon from the divisadero of The Galician.
I have traveled many parts of Mexico, Europe and Asia and without a doubt, this is one of my travel favorites and I recommend it to anyone. It is one of those trips that could be repeated time and time again. It weapon your bags and come to discover charming places in the Mexican Republic!