2 islands should not be missed to visit in the vicinity of Holbox

2 islas imperdibles de visitar en las cercanías de Holbox

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A good holiday should always provide moments of discovery and pleasure. The wonders that the world gives in the form of landscapes should definitely be enjoyed. And on the coasts of Quintana Roo, the nature seems to express itself with its best and most vivid colors.

Without a doubt, one of the most beautiful dive sites of Mexico is Holbox, an island that is full of wonders, a site that definitely has nothing to envy to the paradise. There are some of the most amazing places in the Mexican Caribbean, that in your journey you can’t miss! Small gifts full of life that will make your stay a real dream.

Bird Island

Just 30 minutes away is this beautiful and peaceful place where the life is manifested in amazing ways. Here you’ll be able to spot the more colorful birds, many of which are only found in this region. Flamingos, pelicans and ducks are just some of the over 150 species that here coexist with tropical and fresh vegetation. In addition, they will be able to spot some that are really strange, such as egrets reddish, white pelicans and ibis, it wonders that fill with colors of the mexican skies!

The treks in this true eden are truly amazing and extremely pleasurable. The azure of the Caribbean Sea has a unique beauty that blends well with the colors of the flora and fauna of virgin and inspire the sensations more wonderful it Prepares your camera, you won’t want to leave any pan without capture!

Island Passion

When you think nothing can surpass in beauty to what you have already seen, have the experience of knowing this magnificent piece of land in the middle of the beautiful waters of the Atlantic, a very short distance of Holbox. Here the rumor of the sea sounds like a music minor that invites you to relax and creates the atmosphere extremely pleasant. You will enjoy in the same moment you step on its white sands and wander around every little corner of this island so amazing in Mexico.

It is definitely an ideal place to be in contact with nature and enjoy the sound of the singing of the birds that soar in the heights-Enjoy the caribbean sun that always accompanies the evenings in this amazing site! You will feel, in every moment, the pleasure of being in a true tropical paradise.

Holbox, a paradise in the Mexican Caribbean

Do not forget to visit these lovely places that are located in the southeast of the country. There is No pleasure greater than to be surrounded by the unspoiled feeling of the unbeatable freshness of the sea. In addition to these 2 islands should not be missed to visit in the vicinity of Holbox, in this region there are magnificent sites for ecotourism, rest in front of the sea and appreciate the wonderful ways in which life is expressed on our planet.

Discover every one of the charms of these paradise islands, experiences that fill the soul and are remembered for a lifetime!

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