Yal-Ku: a secret that you must discover in Riviera Maya

Yal Ku, un secreto que debes descubrir en Riviera Maya

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The Riviera Maya is one of those destinations that worth a visit on more than one occasion. Because of its amazing and rich nature and culture cannot be seen completely in a single pass. A similar fate, you deserve to enjoy it as thoroughly as possible, having fun for its paradise beaches, walking through its jungle environments, admiring the exotic flora and fauna and discovering the mysteries most mind-blowing of the pre-hispanic towns that here dwelt. Definitely, touring the Riviera Maya coastline is a pleasure impossible to put into words.

There, between the beautiful towns of Akumal and Playa del Carmen is one of the wonders most amazing of the entire coast of Quintana Roo. This is the Yal-Ku Lagoon, a small eden of crystalline waters in the Mexican Caribbean, you definitely have to know.

This natural pool full of life is the result of the mouth of one of the many underground rivers that crisscross the Yucatan Peninsula. Scenarios that seem taken from a movie you will find in this region, because beauty is so absolute that astonishes. The vegetation surrounding these waters, which are taking shades of azure and green, invades into each pan, and full of freshness of the landscapes, the time that becomes exotic to this place so unique.

But without a doubt, the most magnificent of this place lies under the calm waters. There, a whole world of life unfolds. If you want, you can rent equipment and enjoy the best snorkeling. You’ll see parrot fish, sergeant, crossbow, in addition to sea urchins, barbers and blue sea stars. It should be noted that the range of colors is expanded as the vegetation is extremely varied I Enjoy this real submerged paradise!

Definitely, this is the place to live to the best of ecotourism. On the heavens and in the surrounding area you will see carving up a huge amount of sea birds that flit in search of food. Herons, cranes, pelicans, gulls and egrets walk from here to there, filling with beauty the environments and becoming more mystical this place of the beautiful Riviera Maya.

In addition, you can take a pleasant bath under the intense caribbean sun in these tropical coasts. Without a doubt, is the best way to spend the heat and enjoy these unique wonders in the world. Very close to the lake is a restaurant where you can taste any dish and drink refreshing beverages, so there is nothing to worry about, absolutely everything you will find there.

Visit Yal-Ku, a secret that you must discover in the Riviera Maya! Before, some of the recommendations. The caretakers of the lagoon, ask visitors that they protect the place and to avoid throwing waste. Also suggest not to use sunscreen at the time of getting into the water, because that way is damaging to the species here inhabit it. So, enjoy responsibly! Because caring for the planet is as we will be able to continue taking advantage of these true pearls that nature offers us.

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