Very close to the sky in Salta

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Many of our readers must have seen the tv spot where it says that ?Salta is so beautiful that falls in love with?. Beyond the tint, commercial and promotional purposes of the same, we must say that it is true. Jumps falls in love and has always done so, for its music, its culture, its beautiful places. Today we will discuss about one of the attractions that lift us, very close to the sky in Salta.

Ideal for romantics, or for those exaggerated that they want to reach as high as possible. The famous “Train to The Clouds” is a tourist icon of salta and argentina’s excellence.

The story goes that in 1971, two cameramen invited by the Government to a voyage promo, asked the machinist to make a steam download. The photo taken there, gave the name by which it is known today. The image captured the cloud began to give life to this means of transport that receives thousands passengers year-to-year.


The tour is around 434 miles at a height of 4,200 meters above the sea level. Countless are the postcards snapshots that look from their seats and, at the same time, will be imprinted in the minds of their passengers. Each one of them, achieved simply by the exquisite nature of the beautiful north of argentina.

To fly with the imagination

?I’m going to arrive by the sky train? sings Soledad Pastorutti on a topic that became very well known. Not only by the letter but by the audio-visual that came with it. She was a popular singer, he was very close to the sky in Salta and well managed to ensure that its landscapes, get to know each other even more. ?Fly that can fly with the imagination? it is another of the phrases that accurately reflects, what makes this train in each one of its travelers.


The locomotive heads a row of 10 cars that can fit up to 468 passengers, and travels at 35 kilometers per hour. 17 stations, curves, 21 tunnels and 29 bridges are crossed by this machine that is a mix between the landscape and the smell of coke, a vital element for ?not apunarse? (technically, it’s the lack of oxygen due to the height).

A mixture of excellent engineer with a natural beauty untold, it begins its journey in Salta to the viaduct Polvorilla. There access to valleys, quebradas and stations where everyone walks slow, for the ?apunamiento? or the ?mountain sickness?. The point of arrival is one, and San Antonio de los Cobres the other.

The Train to the Clouds, has a bar, a restaurant, telephone booths, in addition to a room with a first aid kit. In 1921, Richard Maury engineer of the united States began ending it in 1948 when it joined the tracks to the foot of the volcano Socompa.

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