Home México Cancun Discover Cancun: gateway to the maya world

Discover Cancun: gateway to the maya world

Descubre Cancún puerta de entrada al mundo maya
Descubre Cancún puerta de entrada al mundo maya

The Maya have been one of the cultures most important and the most political power, economic, social and religious contexts throughout Mesoamerica. This civilization inhabited for over 3000 years the countries of Guatemala, Honduras and Mexico. In the latter, settled mainly in the Yucatan Peninsula. The mayan people mastered perfectly the written language, and also were masters in astrology and architecture. Also, excellent merchants and professionals of the art. One of the characteristics of their societies was the state organization is independent of each city, which is considered nation-states autonomous.

Today can still be seen the remains of those immense cities, its temples, its palaces and buildings, hugged by riddles surprising. This ancient culture will seduce you completely with its customs, will leave you speechless with its legends and myths, you fall in love with its exquisite cuisine and will invite you to enjoy a tour in the unprecedented time.

What are you waiting for to start this unforgettable trip to the mayan past? Do you still not know where to start? One of the alternatives is to visit Cancun, the gateway to this fascinating world. The location of this cosmopolitan city and delicious is strategic for those who want to do the ruta maya in the state of Quintana Roo. The same is located at the edge of the Caribbean Sea to the north of the Yucatan Peninsula. South of Cancun, you’ll be able to find the famous Riviera Maya and to the west, only about 300 miles, one of the most important cities of the late classic period and early postclassic: Chichén Itzá. This city will shock you by their immense size, and, in addition, for the accuracy of astrological of each building. So, the Pyramid of Kukulkan, for example, has been specially designed making each one of its vertices does not coincide with the cardinal points, so that, during the equinoxes and solstices the sun to do an effect of lights and shadows that mimic the descent of a serpent.

On this tour you can discover about this ancient culture, and on every one of his secrets, since it has left indelible marks in the everyday practices of all quintanarroenses. The cuisine in Cancun is a very good example of this. In addition to marvel with exquisite dishes of sea and seafood, do not miss the famous soups and delicious antojillos made from corn, typical of this ancient culture.

Another of the ways to discover the mayan world in Cancun is by visiting the sacred cenotes. The maya considered these natural wonders as the entrance to the underworld. Here sacrifices were made and offerings, in addition, in most of these underground rivers have been discovered pre-columbian objects of great cultural value. Don’t miss the opportunity to swim in the crystal clear waters of these miracles natural!

Finally, as to crown your stay in the jewel of the Mexican Caribbean, you must visit some of the parks archeological and ecological city (Xel-Ha, Xcaret, among others). Here you will find the world mayan summarized in recreational activities for the whole family.

What do you expect? Visit Cancun and dare to immerse yourself in the fascinating world of the maya!

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