Home Destinations Head to Mexico for your next adventure travel vacation

Head to Mexico for your next adventure travel vacation

Head to Mexico for your next adventure travel vacation

The Yucatan Peninsula has long been a vacation destination, but it is quickly emerging as a destination for those travelers looking for a little bit of an adventure. With the world focused on Cancun during the UN Climate Summit, the country showed off how the adventure travel sector was helping preserve some of the country’s most prized ruins and ecosystems.

Shannon Stowell, president of the Adventure Travel Trade Association, spoke at a forum in Cancun and stressed how the adventure vacation sector is helping combat climate change issues, mainly because travelers are quickly learning about their impact on the environment.

Along with travelers increased knowledge, adventure travel companies often rely on local guides, who have advanced knowledge on how to preserve the wildlife and natural environments.

The president of Mexico, Felipe Calderon, agreed with Stowell during the meeting, and claimed that adventure travel is a useful way for Mexico to preserve its history.

“Adventure travel is key to the preservation of our habitat and culture,” Calderon stated. “Mexico has to become the champion of adventure travel.”

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