Home México Cozumel Apreciate the mexican wonders in Discover Mexico Park

Apreciate the mexican wonders in Discover Mexico Park


Located in Cozumel, Discover Mexico is the newest and most visitated park in all Mexico. In this place the traveller will find the most complete collection of art crafts, representative sites and all the fascinating icons of Mexico. The idea of this amazing park is to show all the wonder of Mexican culture in one place and provide to the visitors the unique experience of enjoying a whole cuntry in only one place.

Those comming to this park will have the chance to experience the fun and entertainment of their lives. There are no chances to get bored in a place like this as it offers a great amount of attracive to enjoy. This place counts with the Video Experience Room. In this room the traveller will have the opportunity to experience the story and culture of Mexico in a very vivid way. In here, there are huge screens in where the visitor can see compiled videos of the history and the most iconic cultural demonstrations. Also, it is the Popular Art Museum. In here, the visitor will have the possibility to sight the most finest pieces of art made by the most recognized artisans from all over Mexico. This museum has been awarded for the unique and excelent pieces that are displayed. What is more, this park offers to the traveller an unique experience trough the many paths that are in the location in every one of them shows an unique piece of art crafts displaying Prehispanic, Colonial and Modern Mexican wonders. Moreover, during all the tour in those small paths the traveller will have the chance to enjoy and amaze with the fauna and flora of the region as the vegetation of the place gives home to many native animals of the place.

What also makes so especial to this park in Cozumel is the Tequila Seminar. This is an unique guided tour through the Mexican story putting an extra emphasis on the traditional Mexican drink, tequila. In here, the travellers can experience an unique tequila tasting as well as learning about the properties and history of this amazin alcoholic drink. In addition, guests can enjoy of the most traditional Mexican food as they will be served with the most exquisitive courses. And as an extra, visitors can take with them an amount of six samples of the different varieties of tequilas all in a same package.

Finally, this park also provides the chance to taste other types of beverages, traditional food and even ice cream in the exclusive Mercadito Corona that is insithe of the park’s space as well as the opportunity to take home one especial and unique souvenir since it also has the most exclusive gift shop.

There are no doubts that comming to Discover Mexico Park is the best choice to come to the family and enjoy of an amazing day in Cozumel, discovering the fascinating history of Mexico as well as explore all the wonder that this country offers only by taking short walks through the place.

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