Celebrate christmas Eve in the Yucatan!

Celebra Nochebuena en Yucatan

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Many travelers choose to celebrate the holidays of Christmas and New Year out of their places of origin. It is an excellent alternative, especially for those who enjoy with the soul to learn new customs and to learn about other cultures. Each country takes on tints of own to celebrate this important date in the religious and in Mexico those characteristics are totally exciting. How can you not be so in a country as culturally rich?

If you’re this type of traveler, celebrates christmas Eve in the Yucatan between flowers native, colored lights, piñatas out of recycled paper and many, so many! fireworks. On the shores of the Gulf of Mexico, these celebrations become stunning, because not only you’ll be able to spend it in the beaches or in the midst of tropical jungle, but that each ritual held will become a reason for you to fall in love more and more of this site.

Which for sure will call your attention at first sight are the beautiful flowers of christmas Eve, which this year will again occur in the Yucatan. This exotic wonder adorns the houses and shops, was wearing a joy every space. Generally, it begins to be demanded from the day after thanksgiving until the New Year festivities. There are red, pink, white, and of various colors, but the intensity of the color of each one and the shape of its leaves will recognize it instantly.

A classic both in Yucatan and in Mexico itself, are the famous posadas, that is to say, the interpretation of what Joseph and Mary had to live and suffer in order to be able to bring his son into the world. Statuettes of both are conveyed by the pilgrims who are asking for asylum in any house, only the third of them will be the one that let them go. Representations of birth are spread across all the cities and the mangers giants are already one of the must-sees. These pilgrimages are made by the families who deal with:

?Oranges, limes and limonesmás linda the Virgin that all the floresEn a portalito of lime and sand jesus Christ was born for the christmas Eve?.

The colorful piñatas seven tips will be another detail that should not be missing in the nights of celebration of yucatán. The same are filled with sweets and, many claim, these tips that have represent the seven deadly sins. There are several versions about its shape and meaning that you could not choose a single, however, what is undeniable is that this practice of breaking the piñata with a blindfold repeated in different cities.

In addition to the popular festivities, you will also have the possibility to enjoy shows of luxury. For Christmas 2014 will return, to the stage of Merida, the Ballet of the city representing the Nutcracker. The representation is based on the story written by Amadeus Hoffman, and has been composed by Tchaikovsky in the late NINETEENTH century. A ballet of more than 60 dancers on the scene will be represented at the Teatro José Peón Contreras.

Many families attend mass on the 24th, then they go to their homes to share a banquet in the company of loved ones. It is a very special moment in the balances, and are reminded of those who are not already. Enjoy the christmas Eve in Yucatan and experience the magic that holds this destination mexican!

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